Fleur.hk - Houseplant delivery in Hong Kong
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Modern chic Wedding bouquet 現代浪漫花球
經常性回答對花球選擇的問題,花球可不可以一模一樣的呀?對花店而言,是一個難題。花的品種之多,出現的時間短,就算你喜愛日子不對的根本沒有辦法。 其實唯有對花材的顏色了解,對花球的大小選對了,配合身材,所有花不論平貴都是好的花球。身材橫的要挑大型誇張的花球,立即顯瘦。嬌小的用大號的花,只有更小,不如鬱金香,馬啼蘭線條簡約的,把子長一點將人拉高,心太多花球重而招累贅。
1)玫瑰花 (庭園玫瑰花或荷蘭小玫)
2)繡球花 (大型花球的選擇,可以搭配蘭花或任何小花。)
3)鬱金香 或 馬啼蘭 (是線條型,簡潔即可)
4)蘭花 (萬代蘭,蝴蝶蘭,泰蘭花,蕙蘭)
5)牡丹花 (粉/ 白/紅色都有,但因季節而定)
一般而言,這些花材可以是經常有的,兩種以上都已成為一個花球了。就這些花材,你可以跟花店說你要的顏色,青色,白色,粉色,有的不要露葉子,有的要田園式的葉及植物的,手柄有的用絲帶,有的用bling bling,都一一清楚交代, 跟我們花店說是會懂處理的,不用緊張到要跟這人這樣的花球,就沒有新意思了。
準備結婚期間的Scrapbook又是一大幫助, 儲存心目中的相片,包括花球的造型,不用多說就給我們看看吧! 或者花店會更了解你的要求而做對了你心目中的花球。總之,你給花店的信任,回報的是滿意及驚喜的花球呀!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Fleur Hong Kong iOS App has shipped with Hipmob chat
Apple has approved our new Fleur Hong Kong iOS app in less than 6 days of submission. All of our flower girls are quite happy about it.
We also add a new "chat" function, powered by an awesome company in Silicon Valley, called Hipmob. So, you can reach us direct via chat, in case you need to order flowers when your girlfriend is sleeping.
If there is any improvements or suggestions, please let us know. Thanks and have a lovely day ❤
Monday, April 29, 2013
Fleur.hk iOS App has been submitted to the AppStore
We are praying to the tiki gods at the Cupertino hoping for a speedy and non-eventful approval.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
魅力 :火紅的熱情
推介:暢銷的紅玫瑰花束 12,24,50,99 枝
稀罕的東西,大多有其珍貴之處 。情人節,大多數人都在送玫瑰。如果,你反其道而行,送一些其他花材的鮮花,說不定就能讓女友對你另眼相看。 越來越多的人對紅玫瑰不再那麼吹捧,尤其是一些有個性有自己的品味的女生,覺得和其他人一樣都是捧著紅玫瑰滿街跑,太不特別了。外國進口的繡球花,鬱金香和馬啼蘭顏色鮮豔奪目,不俗套。能夠說出你心裡愛意的,她喜歡的,就是最美麗的情人節鮮花。
那絕對會引起轟動,非一般的視覺衝擊力,作為送花的你,就理所當然的被稱為:多浪漫的人! 一大捧玫瑰的殺傷力,幾乎無人可擋,甚至連想想都不會。我想一般人都不會無動於衷,甚至看到了眼睛裡會滿是渴望。送女朋友99朵玫瑰代表了堅定地愛,代表了你想和她長相廝守。當你女朋友收到那一大捧鮮花,收到那讓人羨慕得眼睛放大的99朵玫瑰的時候,那種驚喜和感動,絕對會讓你覺得,這一切都值了。推介:99 枝玫瑰花,99枝鬱金香,10枝繡球花
Shop Online at our website http://fleur.hk
Monday, January 21, 2013
2006 to 2013, the re-launch of the Fleur Hong Kong website
We hope this article would serve as a simple guide to developers or other people who are interested to build a revenue generating website.
It has been 6 years since we launched the Fleur Hong Kong website on December 2006.
Things are much different back then:- Mobile Internet was a joke back then. Your may have a 5KB/second GPRS connection with a Nokia candy bar phone, running Opera Mini. Nokia was quite popular back then with models with funny numbers like 6230 and 8810.
- Screens were very small on desktops. You expect everybody have the same 1024x768 pixels screens. So everything has to fit within 1024 pixels width including the scroll bar.
- The most popular browser is Internet Explorer 6. And Macromedia Flash is touted as the future. Dark ages...
- Our main development machine is an Apple Powerbook G4 12", running PowerPC.
- We made the website using the WebObjects framework from Apple. (Apple didn't just make iPhones and great laptops. They did many great and not so great things from Digital Camera to Laser printers. Steve Jobs was quoted The Next Insanely Great Thing about WebObjects. )
- And in 2006, you can still buy a decent place near the fragrant harbour for less than HK$2M.
- Better bandwidth available to desktops and mobile devices
- Bigger screens with higher resolutions
- More mature open source web frameworks, on client and server sides
- Internet Explorer is no longer that popular. Our lion share of users come from iOS and Chrome based desktops. Interestingly, iOS vs. Android viewership is 10:1. Maybe people don't like to buy flowers on Android?
- Single-Sign-On capabilities of Facebook
- And ideally, provide hooks to a complementary iOS and future Android apps?
- Re-design the flow of the website, with better user authentications with Facebook Connect and other OAuth2 gateways from Google, Yahoo to
LiveMicrosoft ID. - Add new Paypal payment option to complement the fast credit card checkout
- Pick a mature server-side web framework to develop the site with. We end up picking a Python based web framework to which our developers feel comfortable.
- Then, pick a good client side web framework. We have short listed with Blueprint CSS, Foundation and Twitter Bootstrap. We end up using Twitter Bootstrap as it seemed to work better on Internet Explorer compared with Foundation. Blueprint CSS would have been the best as you can make pages work even on IE 6, but, you will lose many useful components available for free from Bootstrap, especially the Forms.
- Switching from a compiled language (Java) to a scripting language. It was a pain trying to compile a website with Java, start the server, and checked the result. The new scripting based frameworks means changes were reflected in real time.
- Tools were definitely better. A decent MacBook Pro with 27" screen raises developers productivity.
- The availability of Github means coding is no longer a solo thing. You can always learn from someone by checking out Github.
I hope this short piece can give you a glimpse on how to build a great solid website that does solid business on the Internet. We will start covering what Fleur Hong Kong has been doing with web and mobile technolgoies from time to time.
Stay tuned.