花香港的誕生只有短短兩個月, 但是已吸收了很多寶貴的經驗。現看到 Google 的流量統計, 看到真的是很多人到花香港 Fleur.hk 的網站, 我們都十分感動了!
我們 Alexa 的 weekly ranking 由十二月只有 2,500,000。一月十日 ranking 開始去到 1,800,000。今天我們的 weekly ranking 竟然去到 403,493, 我們真是要多謝新假期的記者報導, 和他們漂亮的 model。 重有很多和我們分享經驗的花店店主, 我們真是獲益良多。
重有我們親愛的顧客。 沒有你們的寶貴意見, 我們都不知道 GPS 訂單即時追蹤 對你們是很重要的。
Again, thank you thank you very much!! 花妹妹多謝大家對花香港的支持! 我們會努力的!!
Fleur.hk - Houseplant delivery in Hong Kong
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
新假期 有關花香港的報導
Sunday, January 21, 2007
1. Marketing Marketing Marketing!
宣傳係好重要既。 因為無論你個 Website 做得幾好, 無人去你個 website, 有咩嘢意思?
做 online marketing 你可以試下買 Google Adwords 同埋 Yahoo! Overture。
又不妨可以試下做小小 search engine optimization, 同埋設計下的宣傳品同單張派下咁。
2. 善用 Web 2.0 年代的新技術
做一個好網站,page loading 一定要快。最好就要喺 4 秒之內要完成。所以一間快既 webhost 係好重要。要再改善 page loading 時間,不妨用 Amazon S3 去做分流。例如 HTML 源碼可以放在 webhost,Image 同埋 Flash 檔案放在 Amazon S3。
你可以用 Google Blogger 去 host 你個 blog。現在你重可以用自己既 domain 同埋 subdomain 去 用 Blogger。 Fleur.hk 部落格都係用佢地。
用 Google analytics 可以知道有幾多人入去你既地的網站。以前無 Google Analytics,做流量統計又要行 Analog, 一係用 AWstats。 現在有 Google Analytics, 看 trend report 真簡便!
3. 通訊
如果你想要個 "2" 字頭的電話number, 可以用 NWT 隨身固網電話。 幾蚊就有個 "2 number forward 去任何香港電話 number。 好便宜吓 ! 岩哂我地呢d 中小企最合用。
又可以試下 HKBN 寬頻電話。可以周圍用, 屋企又得,office 又得,honey 屋企又得。做 Fax line 都應該無問題。依家唔使一定用固網電話既! (記住唔係 '2b' 用 USB 嗰種。係有個電話盒嗰種。)
但係,千其唔好用 "e-fax". 佢係黑店之中的黑店!! 唔信就去 sippey.typepad.com 度看看。
4. 電腦軟件
要善用 open source 軟件。呢家唔使樣樣都俾錢做既! 好似用 Linux 去行 server,用下 Django 同埋 Java 去做下 shopping cart。Database 又用下 MySQL 同埋 PostgreSQL。唔洗樣樣都 Microso~1 前 Microso~1 後。
今日講住少少 tips。下星期會有 part 2。
宣傳係好重要既。 因為無論你個 Website 做得幾好, 無人去你個 website, 有咩嘢意思?
做 online marketing 你可以試下買 Google Adwords 同埋 Yahoo! Overture。
又不妨可以試下做小小 search engine optimization, 同埋設計下的宣傳品同單張派下咁。
2. 善用 Web 2.0 年代的新技術
做一個好網站,page loading 一定要快。最好就要喺 4 秒之內要完成。所以一間快既 webhost 係好重要。要再改善 page loading 時間,不妨用 Amazon S3 去做分流。例如 HTML 源碼可以放在 webhost,Image 同埋 Flash 檔案放在 Amazon S3。
你可以用 Google Blogger 去 host 你個 blog。現在你重可以用自己既 domain 同埋 subdomain 去 用 Blogger。 Fleur.hk 部落格都係用佢地。
用 Google analytics 可以知道有幾多人入去你既地的網站。以前無 Google Analytics,做流量統計又要行 Analog, 一係用 AWstats。 現在有 Google Analytics, 看 trend report 真簡便!
3. 通訊
如果你想要個 "2" 字頭的電話number, 可以用 NWT 隨身固網電話。 幾蚊就有個 "2 number forward 去任何香港電話 number。 好便宜吓 ! 岩哂我地呢d 中小企最合用。
又可以試下 HKBN 寬頻電話。可以周圍用, 屋企又得,office 又得,honey 屋企又得。做 Fax line 都應該無問題。依家唔使一定用固網電話既! (記住唔係 '2b' 用 USB 嗰種。係有個電話盒嗰種。)
但係,千其唔好用 "e-fax". 佢係黑店之中的黑店!! 唔信就去 sippey.typepad.com 度看看。
4. 電腦軟件
要善用 open source 軟件。呢家唔使樣樣都俾錢做既! 好似用 Linux 去行 server,用下 Django 同埋 Java 去做下 shopping cart。Database 又用下 MySQL 同埋 PostgreSQL。唔洗樣樣都 Microso~1 前 Microso~1 後。
今日講住少少 tips。下星期會有 part 2。
Saturday, January 20, 2007
History today: The Wannsee Conference

January 20th.
65 years ago on this day, a group of Nazi presided over by SS-Lieutenant General Reinhard Heydrich met to settle 'Final Solution of the Jewish Problem'. In this Wannsee Conference, holding a little more than 90 minutes would eventually lead to the Holocaust.
Industrial scale gas chambers were built in sites such as the Auschwitz, where jews were killed thousands at a time.
Horrible killings and genocides in unprecedented scale had happened before, and probably will again. Praying to deities will not stop them happening again. Education will. We recommend you, to watch the Conspiracy, in which the scenes in Wannsee Conference were depicted vividly.
Tell your families and friends about it. Tell your kids about it. And the world will be a better place.
Friday, January 19, 2007
The World is Flat

- 出了國讀書而又想買生日花花送俾係香港的女朋友
- 出外公幹的香港人
- 移了民的孝順仔女,等等...
正如 Thomas Friedman 所講, The World is Flat!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
2007 年曆咭

我們印刷了一些月曆咭. 放置在 中環至愉景灣的碼頭內. 我們會不斷推出新的月曆咭. 多謝大家支持.
Ciao!! We have printed some gorgeous calendar cards, and you can pick them up at Discovery Bay Ferry Pier from Central! We will keep designing free cards for you. Again happy belated new year.
Monday, January 15, 2007
花香港 -- Fleur.hk 的名稱
Fleur 喺法文是解"花"的意思。
大部份人都唔想記咁長既 website 名字。我們覺得 .hk 比 .com 較短,好好記。
"fleur.hk" 係唔駛打 "www"。加埋只係有七個字。
大部份人都唔想記咁長既 website 名字。我們覺得 .hk 比 .com 較短,好好記。
"fleur.hk" 係唔駛打 "www"。加埋只係有七個字。
Shopping Tips for Valentine's flowers
Today I have some tips for you on shopping Valentine's Day flowers:
1. Order early
Many florists offer incentives or discounts when you book your purchases well ahead of high seasons. This way shops have more time to prepare your orders.
2. Fresh, Fresh and Fresh
Never buy flowers that were on shelves for days. You can spot them very easily, if they may be surprised how much cheaper those flowers may be. But bear in mind that these flowers will wilter soon and cannot be kept more than 7 days.
A wide variety of romantic flowers like tulips, orchids and lilies to delight that very special someone. Classical red roses are not the only choice.
1. Order early
Many florists offer incentives or discounts when you book your purchases well ahead of high seasons. This way shops have more time to prepare your orders.
2. Fresh, Fresh and Fresh
Never buy flowers that were on shelves for days. You can spot them very easily, if they may be surprised how much cheaper those flowers may be. But bear in mind that these flowers will wilter soon and cannot be kept more than 7 days.
A wide variety of romantic flowers like tulips, orchids and lilies to delight that very special someone. Classical red roses are not the only choice.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Welcome to Fleur.hk blog
Hello! I'm the flower girl! Ciao!
Welcome to my blog. I will tell you about many interesting stuff at Fleur.hk. Many online florists and business do not talk with their customers. So we would like to change that.
Here, we will talk about many different things, such as:
- Flower girl
Welcome to my blog. I will tell you about many interesting stuff at Fleur.hk. Many online florists and business do not talk with their customers. So we would like to change that.
Here, we will talk about many different things, such as:
- New flower design & flower trends
- Sharing operation tips of our business, e.g. our web 2.0 technology
- New cutie gifts, e.g. teddy bear, flower vase,etc.
- Flower girl
歡迎參觀 "花香港部落格" !
再次感謝您們的光臨! 希望這個"部落格" 會帶給您源源不絕的驚喜!
- 花妹妹 ^.^
- 最新的花藝設計心得及潮流趨勢
- 花店的運作心得及業務發展。例如,介紹我們最新的 web 2.0 技術
- 搜羅及介紹最新的得意禮品,例如,teddy bears,accessories 等等。
再次感謝您們的光臨! 希望這個"部落格" 會帶給您源源不絕的驚喜!
- 花妹妹 ^.^
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