Planting and repotting in 4 steps.
The best period of time to repot plants is in early spring. Plants that almost burst out of their pots and plants that lack vitality should be repotted now. Transfer the plants into a pot that is at least 1 size larger. Whether you start planting or repotting, always use the same method.
1. Choose the right pot. Make sure the plant has room for growth so don’t choose a size that is too small. Make sure the pot possesses a drainage hole for excess water.
2. Always use potting soil. Potting soil mixed with coconut fibre dries out less rapidly. For this purpose there are also granules (Seramis) that can be mixed through the soil.
3. Before repotting or planting place some clay clumps or shards at the bottom of the pot first so the hole does not close up and excess (rain)water can drain.
4. Fill the pot with some soil and press the dirt down well. Put the plant in the pot and again press down the dirt well. Make sure that the soil does not get higher than 2 to 3 cm under the rim of the pot so when watering the plant the soil does not spill over the rim of the pot.
Fertilisation 施肥
Plants that richly bloom need extra fertiliser. If you have used fresh potting soil your plants have nutrients for a month from the potting soil. After that you will have to provide some extra ’vitamins’, for instance in the shape of coated fertiliser granules that you can add to the soil. The nutrients in these granules are released gradually. A little more work is giving liquid plant food, which is added to the water. In that case pay close attention to the dosage used.
要植物生長得旺盛,就要施肥。新泥土可以有足夠的養份維持一個月左右,時間一耐就要額外養份。 肥料有顆粒狀或水溶液,顆粒的分解慢可以安心使用,不會令泥土過份肥沃。水溶液的肥料就要注意份量。
Watering 澆水
Giving plants water is an art. Too little water isn’t good for the plants, but too much definitely is not either. The most frequent mistake is to keep the soil wet constantly. This starts rotting the roots or it starts causing mildew. So make sure of good drainage and use water trays. Also never let the soil dry out completely. Put water on the soil or via the water tray as much as possible. Regularly add liquid fertiliser to the water for watering the plants.
Remember that plants in earthenware pots need water more often than plants in synthetic pots. After all, earthenware absorbs water. Most plants do like it to be sprayed.
Clean your house plants
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